Friday, August 31, 2018

Worst psychologist experience. Diagnosing my son with autism.
We recently went to a psychologist. Let me just say this was the worst experience I have ever had. My son has been struggling with his speech since he was 2. Which I mainly blame myself because he would say "kiki" and I knew that meant tiger or if he didn't want his tiger then he meant his elephant. I didn't correct him because I figured he's still small he'll eventually learn. No that was not the case. I had a teacher once tell me to not use small words. "Don't use simple words that you think only a child can understand. You want to expand their vocabulary, so use bigger words that way they can grab on to it" Anyways, if Liam wanted something he would point and say this so I knew what he wanted I never told him say what you want. When he turned 3 we went for his physical and his doctor noticed Liam wasn't speaking 2-3 word sentences, so I started working with him at home. "Tell me what you want liam" he started saying juice, milk, food, papa, mcdonalds, Ipad, outside, water, toys, daddy, mommy, grandma, grandpa. He would say mom outside? or mom milk? then I started him in day care, and man did that help but he still wasn't catching on to words. He would come home and sing songs he learned or if he wanted a book he would pull it out and have me read it to him. once we got home his doctor said she wanted to check him for autism. Keep in mind I have worked with kids who are autistic. Severely. So to me I knew the signs of autism, and what to look for. My son does not meet the requirements for it. I believe. Anyways fine they want to test him let's do it. OF course I cried because to me if the psychologist doesn't care she can clearly diagnose him, and not care. I was worried he would be wrongfully diagnosed. Liam is very rude, and sweet if he wants to listen he'll say "what? mom what do you want?" or he'll say "No, No don't want to listen" if he doesn't want to listen to you or if your calling him over he won't come if he doesn't want to. This psychologist obviously knows that i mentioned it to her, and she then tells me "I call him and say liam look at me, nope he doesnt want to" "I know" I Say. "he doesn't listen if he doesn't want to" and she also noticed he moves his pencil from his left hand to his right, and I said I know he's left handed and the day care worker was teaching him to use his right. another thing she noticed is he blabbered a lot. He speaks like a baby, and he repeats what you say. Which i thought him to repeat so he can grab on to the words. The session lasted a good 10 minutes not long at all. We go back a month later so she can perform her test on him. Its 8am he is asleep on the way, and doesn't want to get up. We walk into the room she takes him and  hes yawning like crazy sleepy. 5 min later she calls us back and says "Liam didn't want to do the test" So I say, "OK are we going to reschedule?" "NO. I need to get this over with" and Edward look at each other like 0_0 WTF. Get this over with? this isn't anybody this is a child and for her to be in such a rush pissed me off. she then said I"m going to go ahead and diagnose him with mild autism, and ADHD. I'm looking at Edward like shes wrong. she says her concern was he wouldn't look her in the eye, doesn't answer to his name, didn't follow instructions, and showed no emotion.........
Let me tell you my son does answer to his name. He can even tell you his first and last name. He can tell you how old he is, his birthday, his favorite thing to eat, and he does look at us in the eye. This psychologist gave us such a bad vibe it's no wonder my son paid no attention to her. I can tell him turn off the lights and close and lock the door, and there he is doing it every night. he can follow instructions easily.
Fast forward the doctor has gotten the report of the psychologist now they want him to see a genetics. We go to see the genetics, and this doctor is CONFUSED about the report. He didn't understand why she only saw him for a couple minutes. "were you in a rush?" he asked me "UH no she seemed in a rush." "why didn't she do the test?" "I have no idea when i asked her if we were going to reschedule she said no she needed to get this over with" his face was the same as mine. 0_0 We both couldn't believe a psychologist that treats children for autism was so quick to diagnose him after seeing him for not even 20 minutes. He then said he did send her an email because he could not believe there wasn't enough information on the report to say why he was autistic or why she didn't even perform the exam or spent a good time with him. Which i was glad about because she was in such a rush. He then performed his assessment did his part, and we were there for a good hour and a half. He then turns to me and says. "I am so sorry ma'am but your son is fine. I don't see him autistic at all. I have gone over with him, and he is looking at me, showing emotion, he answers when you call him, he turns around when you say look at that. I don't believe he is autistic he doesn't meet the requirements." I start crying. Because I know he is right. I don't believe he is autistic at all. And i am so upset the psychologist didn't even spend enough time with him, but the genetics did. As we were leaving the doctor offered him a sticker and liam said yes he wanted one. He gave liam the sticker and quickly liam gave him a hug and said bye. The doctors face 0_0 "You see if he was autistic he shouldn't have done that or even spoken"
Now I am so confused who are we going by the psychologist or the genetics? I call his doctor and they want a second opinion since we have not only the genetics but even the doctor that referred him said she doesn't think hes autistic because hes not behaving the way he was before and i said yeah because he listens when he wants to.
The thing is now liam is in speech therapy, and will soon start OT therapy. He is starting OT because he doesn't know how to use a button, he hates coloring so he never colors to him it's time consuming he won't use different colors he'll just use 1 color and do the whole page that one color just to get it over with, and she will help him use more than one color. he also doesn't copy what shes writing if shes doing a line she wants him to do it to so she'll be teaching him that.As well as using scissors because i never let him use them. Putting on his clothes, using a fork/spoon, doing the bathroom on his own, taking a bath/shower, brushing his teeth, and his hair, opening a door, locking a door, buckling up, opening a water bottle, putting a ball in a string he has. but there are small things he should be doing and he isn't. I don't mind that help. But for him to be diagnosed, and his previous teachers don't believe he has is wrong. I couldn't believe there was this psychologist that was so quick to judge my son. no I will NEVER recommend her to anyone. This lady couldn't even spend time with my son I doubt she'll do it to yours. And by the way I am not the only one who has said this. There is another comment with the mom also claiming she felt like she was wasting her time because the psychologist sure did feel like she was wasting her time.
One thing for sure is I do believe my son is delayed in some areas. His speech is not all the way there for a 4 year old. If I am crying he will say mom stop crying. Its okay no more crying. But he cannot carry on a conversation with you. If I ask him Oh my goodness what happened he'll say the dog lost and he crying. but if i ask what did you do at school? he wont answer or what did you eat nope he won't answer that either. I do notice there are some areas in his speech he does need help because i never asked him what happened in the book, or what did we do today.
Other than that I believe he is perfect just delayed in some areas because I baby him too much. I never allowed him to use markers because of stains, or use scissors or knives because their dangerous. When he turned 3 I started allowing him to put on his own clothes, and allowing him to wipe his own butt even though he goes through several rolls of toilet paper. I didn't know by doing things for him I was preventing him from learning and that is exactly how the OT made me feel. She made me feel like the worst mom ever because he wasn't doing things he should be doing.
Now for sure I let him do things on his own. I don't even open the door anymore but let him do it, and I don't pick out his clothes for the next day because I make him do it. Yesterday I gave him scissors and his face was :O he was in shocked. and he started cutting paper. Not the correct way but still cutting paper.
In the end I did have the worst experience ever with this psychologist. Liam was already in speech therapy before that, and no the speech therapist is not concerned about him being autistic she think he is delayed as well, but not for being autistic. I'm not saying it would be worst thing if he was but the thing is he isn't autistic. I don't think he should be diagnosed as autistic because she failed to do her job.
I've been working with him at home doing simple things with him but allowing him to do it on his own. If he wants a snack he'll say mom can i get a snack? and i say yes go get it, and there he goes to grab one. He has to tell me the specific juice he wants whether is orange juice, apple juice, milk, water, or a capri sun I make him say it instead of I want a drink.
I know things will get better but still as a parent all I have to say is fight for your kid. Because nobody else is going to do it for you. Not even a psychologist will make the right diagnose for you. I have learned. If you don't think he is fight for it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Cha cha changes...

It's been such a long time since I've been on my blog. This page was like a journal to me, but now that I am a mom a student, and I was working things have gotten much harder. It's gotten harder to write, or better yet type or find time to even share my thoughts. I made a youtube channel, and even that I can't seem to keep up with. First thing first is I am pregnant with baby #2!
Edward and I are so excited to have another kid on the way, and for sure this is going to be the last one. We say this because we feel like 2 is our number for family plus this pregnancy is tough. With liam it was harder, but I can't seem to get over the morning sickness. I've lost 10lbs, and now I have a cold, so it's not easy. I enjoy the baby of being pregnant, but not the pregnancy. It's tough, and I am trying so hard to make it work, but its really tough. The nausea makes it worse, and I can't seem to want to eat anything. Nothing satisfies my stomach, and there is nothing I crave. Even drinking water makes me nauseous. I can't seem to get out of bed because all i want to do is fall asleep. But I am now 11 weeks, so hopefully it passes by next week.
Another is Edward bought us a house so we recently moved in to our beautiful home. To be honest it's harder being there because now Edward has to work even more to pay for it. SO that means no coming home on the weekends anymore, but instead working. The house doesn't feel like home unless everyone is there. I'm very grateful for the house, but I wish he was there.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Liams 3rd birthday trip GETAWAY!

Liam's 3rd birthday is coming up.. Can I say I never would have thought time would go by so fast, but it did! And now my sweet baby boy is turning 3. I am so proud of the person he is, he is such a sweet and honest kid. The other day while we were outside he picked up some grass, and gave it to me, and said, "Wow! Cool!" meanwhile he was also throwing rocks into a small lake with his left hand! Me and Edward are right hand people so it's insane to see him use his left hand a ton. I'm curious to see how he will be or if it's just a phase. We've noticed he uses his left hand a ton when he was about 1.
Anyways...This weekend we went on a small trip to San Antonio to visit the Wild life ranch! we had a ton of fun although it was very hot, then again we live in Texas and the weather is 90-100 degrees!!! we were planning on going to the zoo, but we could't go in the end so we'll probably be going back very soon. We went with Edwards twin brother and his wife and 2 kiddos. I am in Love with their kids, they are so sweet, and I just love that they have each other, and hopefully soon Liam will get to have a sibling in the future.  We choose the wildlife ranch because a. liam loves animals he always has since he was a kid and b. it was merely for his enjoyment. We weren't going for us we were going for Liam, so he can have fun and enjoy himself. I have always said this, but I want liam to say, when he is an older man talking to his kiddos or great great grandchildren, that he remembers his parents would take him to all sorts of places. I always remember my childhood like that. My dad always planned out the trip and say were going here and over there at this time, then eat at this place. We always had fun, and my mom and dad always tried to a plan a trip for us every year.
I am so happy Liam is growing up, and I cant wait to see how his future will be. I love you Liam you mean the world to me!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Breastfeeding Toddler?

It has been 1 month since liam last breastfeed and it feels AWESOME!
I am sad though because we've been breastfeeding since liam was 3 months and no its no more.
Liam had stopped breastfeeding already and only did at night or when he was sleepy but now he is no longer asking for it. It happened because i had hives for 3 days and i had to take steroids so liam couldn't breastfeed but the day before he had not breastfeed the whole day since we were driving and running errands.
Now i noticed at night he needs to touch my breast to sleep which is so weird but im guessing he has been adjusted to doing that since he breastfeed for so long. i am so sad and yet relieved that he has stopped. im happy but i look at some photos and i just think, "my gosh i cannot believe i breastfeed him for 2 years!"
i remember looking back and my goal was 3 i saw mommies out there who kept up with it but after a while i got tired of being so hungry after liam breastfeed so im glad its over with.
For sure i will do the same for my other future kids i don't like cow milk and i wouldn't want my kids drinking breastmilk from cows.
Liams attitude has risen up though at first he started speaking more words but then all of a sudden he started banging his head and throwing tantrums! im like what is this kid doing. i try and calm him down but for some reason he's not having it.
Other than that he's a good and sweet kid when nobody is around. hes the smartest but when grandma and grandpa or his aunts are around he just doesn't want to listen.
i have no idea what to do anymore im so lost!

Friday, July 1, 2016

BALANCING: life, school, family, and the future.

Trying to balance school and family is already being difficult for me i usually like to study and work on school work from 8-5 then i stop and start making dinner and spend the rest of the night with liam and Edward.
Being the fact that i take my classes this semester online is what is driving me insane how is it that school takes up so much of my time?? sometimes i feel like my priorities are not correct. school and family wise i don't understand how my mom did it (she finished school after all her kids were in school) now that its summer i have been studying for my upcoming HESI A2 exam. its my second time taking it and i am only retaking one section which i am praying to God i pass. I have been studying like crazy but hopefully it all pays off in the long run. i need the HESI exam to apply to my RN classes i still need one prerequisite which is the intro to nursing hopefully i'll be able to take it in august then apply into the nursing program in october so i can get in on january. School was never easy it's taking me 1 year and a half for my prereq before it was more classes now they only want 4 so alot of classes are not going through. plus getting pregnant and taking a year off was a hard decision. maybe i would've been done by now but oh well life is life and things change.

Liam and I have been working on the colors, shapes, and names of objects. He can easily point out fish, ball, dad, mom, and can tell me when he wants to watch ice age. He says ice age for TV. so far he doesn't seem interested in learning i try and teach him when I am taking breaks of studying but he seems rather annoyed. this kid is insane he gets mad when i take a picture or better yet annoyed he says "Aaahhhh" and rolls his eyes. or even when i ask for a kiss he gets bothered. i don't understand why but im guessing that is his personality
With Edward things seem pretty much the same now that i visit him for a little bit longer periods he seems rather content to have liam and i around. and i wouldn't blame him he's over there by himself and wants his family around. once school starts is when it will get tough i won't be able to visit as much and probably won't be seeing much of eachother.

since liam was 3 months i have relactated and i am still breastfeeding on demand. he doesn't breastfeed for long periods only at night or when it's nap time he will. it doesn't seem like he's going to ween off anytime soon. i wish he would but i would rather have him do it on his own terms.

on having more kids it doesn't seem like we will have another i would want to but to be honest i feel like liam is going to be an only child. Edward is satisfied with liam and feels kids are expensive; i don't see me and edward having another just because with school being that it will take up 2 years and then plus i want to work right away i don't think we will have another until another 4 years. liam will be 6 by then. I would like another child but i feel like it probably won't happen who knows. maybe it will

life is great it's not perfect but nobody's life is. It's hectic at times, and there is sacrifices made but that is life and even though our life is no where we would think it would be we are on a whole different course. it's still amazing and it's awesome seeing liam do small little things. the other day he was building blocks he's never seen anyone do that so where he learned i don't know im guessing he just put 1 and 1 together and knew they clicked. being a parent is different it's not anything i thought it would be im saying because now im in charge of another human being. it's insane but hey i'lll get used to it eventually even thought he is going to be 2!

Liam is not potty trained yet he doesn't seem interested in using the potty he usually sits and wants to get up right away. i hope he learns soon because diapers are not cheap at all.

Friday, January 22, 2016

So far...

Hello!! it's been a long while its 12:00 and me and liam are still awake.. oh geez this kid. today was a long day only because I was sitting in a chair from 8-5 doing school work...
liam is 17 months! and he is so crazy he likes watching t.v which is not good at all we try to go outside but geez I feel like everytime I do I get a headache, and I want to go to the park but I don't like to go alone. I know I know.
I would say so far life has been amazing me and Edward just celebrated our 6 year anniversary and we've been talking about having another baby before liam turns 3 the only thing is I am still overweight...well I still haven't lost my baby weight but all that is about to change because Monday me and my sister are starting up insanity! again haha but man that workout video really works!
not only that but also I just started school and I don't think I want to get pregnant during school again because then it'll be another year I put off or maybe just 6 months. But then we also don't want liam growing up alone I had 2 sisters and Edward had his twin brother.
I am still currently breastfeeding I have been trying to wean him off and so far he only nurses a few times but at night he does way to much. he wakes up multiple times to nurse I offer him regular milk but nope he doesn't want that at night.
my life has been going good so far I am very very blessed with everything God has given me I have an amazing family and parents, sisters, and future mother in law (family in law? is that one) haha anywho I will try and update a lot more I want to look back at what I write it's good memories :D

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Thoughts after Liam: our relationship

So I came back home about a week ago and I decided mind as well stay for my dad's birthday so here I am sticking around I decided I should tidy up my old room since I was going to be here a while  . I put a few things in boxes and my dad took it up to the attic. while rummaging thru my book case I found a small photo album of pictures I haven't seen since I probably developed them! Inside were pictures of Edward and I probably the year 2013 the last year we would have with each other before Liam. We looked happy in love we kissed and cuddled and held hands ALL the time and seeing those photos made me realize we don't hug and kiss as much are responsibilities have shifted a lot. Now that Liam is here we find ourselves caring for him more than each other were to tired to show love and affection. Edward works from 7-7 even from 7-2am so by the time I see him we are both quite exhausted! 
I miss those days where we just cared about each other and the only bills we had were our phones insurance and car bill. Now we live together and he supports us while I watch and care for our son.
I never thought this would happen to us I always thought Liam would not change our relationship towards each other but it did and I'm jot saying Liam was a mistake NEVER I just wish we had more time to ourselves to enjoy each other but whenever that time comes
I have decided to make a promise to kiss every night to pray for strength to have a simple conversation and talk about us. 
Who know if it'll work Edward is my best friend he always has been. We goof around so much! I don't think our relationship is ruined I just believe it can be a fixer upper! We should have more cuddles and kisses! Anyways that's my thoughts of now. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Edward Luna

is it just me or do girls find their partner a lot more sexier when they are with their kid??

Gosh Edward.
I don't know where to start...
We've been together for 5 years! 

That is so insane to me because it seriously (I'm not kidding) feels like we just met. Like we were just meeting in the paintball field or walking. Around school getting to know each other. I don't even know where all the time has gone. It's like just yesterday when you first gave me your ring (which turned out was your dads lol) and like not that long ago you were driving me to my college class wow! Seriously I cannot believe it's been 5 years! Gosh it's just so insane for me to be with you for so long! I've never tolerated or even bothered to be with anyone this long but you.. God you are something special if not I would've dumped you 4 1/2 years ago(I never took him serious) but no things went good and we became closer and closer then you were my boyfriend and now your my sons father.
I never thought of having kids with you like we talked about it but it never actually seemed real till Liam was born and I never understood why it was such a big deal to you when I would say Liam loves me more until I would see your face break and I knew I had to go stay with you or else Liam would never get to know you. Your working and I'm taking care of Liam and were a family so we gotta stick together like you said
You are truly my best friend I can talk to you about us, things like makeup,clothe and family, and those makeup answers are funny like babe take that makeup off you don't need it and I respond with no you just don't want it to hurt your wallet lol you are the person I never thought of because I never truly believe love existed I never took you serious until now until I saw you with Liam and I knew I was with you because you loved me because I loved you and we are one. You are a truly amazing guy I cannot believe things have gone so awesome for us and I still can't believe we have Liam! If you would've told me I would've had a son with you I would've died I thought you were one of the cutest guys in high school and you still are 
I love you Edward so fucking much lol I remember when I first told you that you laughed so hard lol it was in high school on the stairs lol you truly are my best friend 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Family Vacation

My family and I recently went to fiesta texas it was just my mom and dad my sisters and liam sadly Edward could not make it because he was working but then he got rained out at work and he was able to come but on the way there his car battery messed up and he was stranded that day was raining like crazy but we still managed to have fun 

8 months old!

My baby liam just turned 8 months like about 6 days ago haha
I am being so bad on updating on my blog and I need to do it at least once a week or maybe more..
I started a youtube channel of just our daily life with my son I never want to forget how small he was or how much he has made us laugh so far. it is insane seeing him eat and breath and laugh and play like what??? did this boy come out of me? did me and Edward make this precious boy it's insane he's our love he's our boy our wonderful sweet boy:)

I've been trying to convince Edward in having another baby I really do not want liam growing up on his own I grew up with 4 sisters and it was awesome even though we had to share we got along it was fun we always had someone there.
but Edward wants to wait a year or two in a way I am fine because my body is not near to where i want it to be I am still at 150 when liam was born I was 174 before I was at 139 how sad is that?! I gained extra weight after he was born and towards the end I was in love with chocolate. anyways I do understand I want my body to be ready again. healthy and better to take in another child my body is a home and im going to make sure im okay until were ready again.
I cannot wait!!yay:D
I love liam and I know I will love another boy or girl but I hope for a boy plus I would like to see how another kid will look like a mix between edward and I is insane. it's still insane to me that we have liam:)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

TIme slow down for me please....pretty please

Time has seriously flown on by! it's true I guess what they say... time flies by when your having fun and that's exactly whats been happening.
 My handsome son Liam is growing up way to quick! he just turned 7 months on March 2, 2015. Liam Luna I love that name...then again I did pick it ;)
I don't understand why he is growing up to quick:(
Liam loves his grandma:) he smiles and laughs when she is home. he even reaches out to her....he has not done that to me...yet. I hope lol
these days my weight has not dropped nor move from that beautiful 152. I try to eat healthy again or even work out but it is difficult but does not mean it cannot be done;)
on Friday me and Liam leave to corpus we are going to be staying there for 2 weeks maybe more we'll see how things are going. Edward is still working over there and is going to continue for God knows how long. we've talked about buying a house and having more kids but come on dude where is my ring?? lol isn't that the question to a lot of women. I mean we have a son already so if you don't want to be married to me then what? lol right now the only thing i'm worried about is whether liam is going to eat.. he has not been wanting to eat or take a bottle he prefers my breast. he is teething which explains it but the eating? I don't know I guess he just does not like the carrots.
and I do nothing but watch Netflix drink coffee and play with my son :) I am not a good stay at home mom I don't even know how to cook that well. the first time I went to stay in the trailer with Edward I was cooking and hello the air exhaust needs to be on and well I did not turn it on and the smoke alarm went on at 5am. ( I was making breakfast for Edward) liam ended up waking up and there was a big smoke cloud in the trailer FAIL at least I can say I tried :D
my son is going crazy with the blanket right now. anyways I should probably go and I definitely need to start updating more BECAUSE I would like to take a look back and read what my 20 year old mind had to say (I am 23 right now) and I feel like I have Alzheimer's or maybe its mom brain? I hope (fingers crossed)

What's new?
These days Liam has been teething so much he is right now biting and chewing on his neon green nike shoes (3c) i bought workout clothe but have i used it? only to lounge around in lol.
Liam has been sitting down since he was 5 months. he is currently wearing a 12 months pajama set but in clothe he is 6-9 months clothing.
Baby fever is in the air and do i want to catch it? maybe...

Things he loves:
1. his grandma liam just adores my mom:D
2. biting and yanking my nipple OUCH!!
3. playing with his hands.

3 things about me:
1. I am dying to workout again!
2. im in love with chocolate candy right now
3. coffee is a must for me at least 1-4 a day. to me it is a soother

Worst psychologist experience. Diagnosing my son with autism. We recently went to a psychologist. Let me just say this was the worst experience I have ever had....